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Just Host Web Hosting Help

Add Update Button to AwStats


By default AWStats will update once a day. Following the instructions in this article will help you add a "Update" button to AWStats

Enabling Manual Updates

If you want to manually update your stats, follow these instructions:

  1. Locate the awstats folder within your account. (/home#/username/tmp/awstats/)
  2. You need to find and edit the custom.txt file.
  3. Add these two lines:
    • AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser=1
    • DNSLookup=1
  4. Save the changes
Now when you open AwStats in cPanel there will be a link next to the date that says "Update now". You may click this link to immediately parse the raw access logs and generate your statistics.
Knowledgebase Article 308,631 views bookmark tags: awstats logs manual statistics stats update

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