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Just Host Web Hosting Help

Create Custom MIME Types


MIME types allow you to change how the browser handles files with specific extensions types. This may be useful if you want to change the default action a web browser performs when a file is accessed. This article will explain how to use mime types with Just Host web servers.

Creating a MIME Type

To create a MIME Type you can login to your account and use the Mime Types tool availible in the cPanel.

  1. Log in to your Just Host cPanel account.
  2. Go to the cPanel section.
  3. Under the Advanced click on the Mime Types icon.
  4. On the MIME Types page, under the heading Create A MIME Type enter the MIME type you want to use and the file extension associated with it.

Common MIME Types

This table shows some common file extensions and the MIME types associated with them.

File ExtensionMIME Type
.dwfdrawing/x-dwf (old)
.elcapplication/x-bytecode.elisp (compiled elisp)
Knowledgebase Article 147,848 views bookmark tags: create custom extensions files mime types

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