Just Host Web Hosting Help
Installing Application using Marketplace
- Accessing the Marketplace Installer and Installing Applications
- Advanced Options
- Legal Information
- Logging into the newly installed Application
Accessing the Marketplace Installer and Installing Applications
The Marketplace can be accessed from a couple of different areas, depending on which User Interface your account uses.
- Login to your Just Host cPanel.
- Locate the Website section.
- Click Install WordPress icon.
- Select the application you would like to install.
- Click Start a brand new installation.
- Choose the Domain Name you would like to use for this application.
Anything entered in the field following the domain name will be a part of the URL.
- Click on Check Domain.
- Login to your Just Host cPanel.
- Locate the Marketplace section.
- Click the One-Click Installs option under Featured Products.
- Locate the application you would like to install, and click Install.
Advanced Options
Here you may specify options such as the site name, login details, the database to use or other options. This will differ depending what you are installing. The following is an example of what you may see.
- Site Name: This will be the name displayed on your site. This is not the URL, but simply the name used on your site.
- Admin Username: The desired login name for your application
- Admin Password: The desired password for this application
Click Here for information about creating strong passwords.
Automatically create a new database
If using this option, the MOJO Marketplace installer will automatically create the database and database username for you. If you choose to use your own database you will need to create it first.
- Hostname: The name of the host where the database is located. If the database is on your Just Host account then it would be "localhost "
- Username: The database username.
- Password: The password for the database username.
- Database Name: The name of the database
Legal Information
Be sure to read the Terms and Conditions regarding the application that you will be installing. Once you have read through the terms and conditions check the box "I have read the terms and conditions of the GPLv2".
Logging into the newly installed Application
The MOJO Marketplace installer will take a couple of minutes to install your application. Once done you will be presented with the Login Username, Password, Site URL and the Admin URL. This information will be emailed to you as well.

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